30 December, 2015


1.Invoke the menu CSCACM for modification after verification and Invoke CSCOAACM menu for modification before verification
2.Function - Modify
3.Enter the A/C number (See Note2)
4.View the signature if necessary(F9)
5.Click on GO(F4)
6.Submit after the modification(F10)
7.Verify the A/C number in the same menu in supervisor login to complete the modification process.

Note1: Modifications may be

1.Adding, changing and deleting the Nomination
2.To change the mode of Operation(Single to Joint And vice versa)
3.To know the CIF of joint holders etc.,
Note2: To know the account numbers for the certificates
1.Invoke CSCCAAC menu
2.Select Product Type - NSC/KVP
3.Enter CIF ID
4.Click on the searcher beside the Certificate number
5.System will display the A/C numbers for each certificate
6.Note down the A/C numbers on each certificate.
Alternate way to know the account numbers is to invoke HCRV menu
1.Invoke HCRV menu
2.Click on ACCOUNTS
3.Enter CIF ID
4.Click on GO(F4)
5.System will display the all the accounts linked to that Entered CIF ID

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