13 July, 2016

Procedure to view teller balances for HO set id in DOP Finacle

Procedure to view teller balances for HO set id in DOP Finacle

  • We have the menu HTCPIAE which is used to check the teller cash balance position in DOP Finacle.
  • In order to Inquire the ledger of teller account or any office account we will use the menu HACLINQ.
  • As per SB order 05/2016 point no 23 may be read as mentioned below
"Teller Cash Account of each Single/Double Handed SO should be checked at HO by a designated PA to ensure that balance has been made as 0 (Zero)."

Procedure to view all teller  balances for HO set id :-

  • Generally in Finacle to view the reports in a consolidated manner in DOP Finacle sets are created i..e, HO level, DO level, Region level and Circle level Set id ids are there in DOP Finacle.
  • For AP1 for Region level,AP1 for DO level,APSEC for HO level etc which can everyone find using the menu HFTI by clicking on the searcher.
  • Now in order to know the present teller cash position of all tellers in a set id i..e, in HO set id the detailed procedure is mentioned below.
  • Invoke the menu HACSP then the system will show the below screen as shown in the below figure

  • From the above screen it is clear HACSP stand for A/c Selection and Print. Then enter the following details as mentioned below
  1. Enter the HO set id ____________________
  2. Select the General Ledger Subhead Code as  "10002" as mentioned in the below screen shot

  •  Then click on Submit then the system will show the list of teller ids in the set idAPSEC(which includes Secunderabad HO and Sub offices under Secunderabad HO) which are mentioned in the below screen shot as shown

  • From the above once can observe the total number of teller accounts available in the setid APSEC are 213 and total debit balance is 28,68,208.20 INR.
  • As per SB order 05/2016 point number 23 every day cash position should be 0(zero) at the end of day.


  1. Hence it is requested to all HO's to use the above procedure to know the tellers cash position in HO set id at once and ask the respective teller to make it 0(zero) daily.
  2. This checking is to be done on daily basis as per SB order 05/2016 point number 23.

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