20 January, 2016


1.Invoke the menu CSCAM for modification after verification and Invoke CSCAOPM menu for modification before verification
2.Function - Modify
3.Enter the A/C number
4.View the signature if necessary(F9)

5.Click on GO(F4)
6.Submit after the modification(F10)
7.Verify the SCSS A/C number in the same menu in supervisor login to complete the modification process.

Note: Modifications may be

1.Adding, changing and deleting the Nomination
2.To change the mode of Operation
3.To know the CIF of joint holders
4.Making Automatic transaction of SCSS interest to SB A/C(Enter Interest Credit A/C ID which is nothing but Customer's SB A/C ID)
5.Maturity inquiry can be done through CSCAM menu etc.,

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