16 September, 2017

Rural ICT indiapost LOT generator Ver1.7

1) Transactions in report sorted BO wise then Tran ID wise. So easy to trace missed vouchers.
2) It is a paper saver (around 40 transactions will come in one page).
3) BO Wise No. of transactions and amount totals will come in Consolidation report it is easy to tally at accounting procedures.
4) It is a user friendly application no much configuration required.

1) Download the above two applications.
2) First install the supporting Softwares given in Prerequisites Installer package if not installed in your system.
3) Install the RICT LOT Generator application.
4) Run the RICT LOT short cut on the desktop.
5) It will ask you to enter Officename and SOLID.
6) Look over the help for how to generate LOT.

28 March, 2017

20 July, 2016

SCSS Death closure procedure within Lockup period in DOP Fiancle

SCSS Death closure procedure within Lockup period in DOP Fiancle

  • When a SCSS account customer is expired we have to follow procedure.

Modification at CIF Level:-

  • Invoke the menu CMRC then select the function as "Modify" and enter the CIF id of the deceased customer as shown

18 July, 2016

ATM card issues and solutions in DOP Finacle

1.1. Card is not activated

Issue Description: Card is not getting activated.
Solution: For the specified card, if it is personalized, check whether the kit number is entered. As per the functionality kit number should not be entered for personalized cards. Remove the kit number using modify mode in CCMM menu and proceed further. The card will be activated.
If any wrong details have been given, user can use Delete Mode to delete the already existing details and add the correct details again using ADD Mode in CCMM menu.
Check whether the card is in inactive status. If the card is in either Delivered or inactive status then only the card can be activated.

17 July, 2016

Useful information for handling ATM issues in DOP Finacle

Useful information for handling ATM issues in DOP Finacle

1. Instructions for Postmasters:-
  •        Ensure that the router/switches and ATM Machines at ATM sites to be kept in ON  position 24x7.
  • Install ATM operational Hand Book on Desktops.

Useful information for handling ATM issues in DOP Finacle

Useful information for handling ATM issues in DOP Finacle

1. Instructions for Postmasters:-
  •        Ensure that the router/switches and ATM Machines at ATM sites to be kept in ON  position 24x7.
  • Install ATM operational Hand Book on Desktops.

2. ATM site problem:-

Ø  If any customer complaints regarding ATM response issue viz; “Timed Out”, respective Pos/ATM SPOCs/CPC Bangalore may raise the issue to AGS to the e-mail id (dop.monitoring@agsindia.com) with a copy marked to postatm@indiapost.gov.in
Ø  Any ATM site related issue can be brought to the notice of AGS by respective Pos through mail id dop.monitoring@agsindia.com. On rectification same has to be closed by mailing to the above mail id or calling up the AGS call centre by POs.

15 July, 2016

Difference in MIS and SCSS interest in First installment

                     Difference in MIS and SCSS interest in First installment

When any office is migrated to CBS, while generating interest for the first quarter after migration, one day’s interest is deducted by Finacle from the due quarterly interest. This interest belong to the day of account opening given by Sanchay Post. This one day interest will be paid on the day of closure by Finacle. This is happening due to fundamental difference between Sanchay Post and Finacle. Sanchay Post  is paying interest for the day of account opening and not for the day of closure e.g account opened on 3.4.2013 will be matured in Sanchay Post on 3.4.2018. Sanchay Post will pay interest from 3.4.2013 to 2.4.2018 and payment will be made on 3.4.2018.In Finacle, with same example, interest will be calculated and paid from 4.4.2013 to 3.4.2018 and payment will be made on 3.4.2018. Total interest in both the cases will be same. When account is opened in Sanchay Post and closed in Finacle, one day’s interest will be paid extra. Therefore, this extra interest is being deducted in Finacle during first payment after migration